Projets – Simulations

Découvrez certaines de nos réalisations auprès de grands noms de l’industrie aéronautique, de la défense ou encore de la Marine Nationale.

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Notre équipe d’ingénieurs développe ses propres produits permettant d'apporter différentes solutions aux besoins de rénovation.

DGA (French MoD)

FENNEC helicopter trainer

Co-contractor with Thales Training & Simulation
Agenium is in charge of :
3D database, pilot interface and communication system, debriefing system.
Hélicoptère FENNEC de l'armée de l'air


The trainer must place the pilots realistically in training and practice situations with high pedagogical value:

  • Training and instruction in flight, instrument flight and emergency procedures.
  • Training for operational missions: NVG, SAR missions, FLIR camera, rescue operations, platform landing and take-off, mountain area, implementation of the navigation and weapon system.
Hélicoptère GAZELLE de l'armée de TERRE en vol
DGA (French MoD)

GAZELLE helicopter training platform upgrade

Carte d'extension télémétrie / liaison ARINC 429 pour le boitier Diginium Multi-IO


Agenium is in charge of :

  • Hardware retrofit of several calculators of the simulation platform
  • Software upgrade by adding some functionalities
  • Operating system upgrade
  • Test and integration
Simulation 3D du poste de commande de l'hélicoptère GAZELLE par AGENIUM
DGA (French MoD)

RAFALE & NH90 Engineering simulator upgrade

RAFALE engineering simulator and NH90 helicopter engineering simulator


Agenium is in charge of :

  • Hardware (calculator) retrofit for all the simulators
    • One seat
    • Two seats
    • Simplified version
  • Software upgrade by adding some functionalities
    • Image sensor coupling system
    • EO designation system
  • Simulation platform operating system upgrade to Win10 pro
  • Test and integration
Simulation 3D d'un système d'atterrissage de drone VTOL

VTOL drone landing system simulator

3D simulator and demonstrator of an automatic landing system with an image processing flight control for a VTOL drone on a combat vessel in heavy sea.


The complexity of the implementation of rotorcraft, especially during the take-off and landing phases, has long been a major obstacle to a larger naval integration of UAV. It is therefore a double technological stake, pilotless automatic landing by vision on a mobile station and heavy sea environment.

The innovation of this project are:

  • Expanding the use of on-board drones in a low-lying sea, weak and strong sea which accounts for more than 80% of the world’s weather conditions.
  • The possibility of fully automated landing on unrecognized and unstable ground.

ALCYON’s mid-term objectives are to extend rotary-wing UAV application to more extreme climatic conditions, a key milestone in the process of risk mitigations from the future Navy Air Drone System program (SDAM).

The project is dealing with:

  • Image processing flight control system
  • 3D virtual environment
  • 3D virtual and physic platform
  • 3D engine
DGA (French MoD)

MIRAGE 2000 engineering simulator upgrade

MIRAGE 2000 – input/output calculator upgrade
Mirage 2000 de l'armée Française en vol
Exemple d'intégration de la solution Virtual Instrument Designer d'Agenium Industries
Outils de test des entrées/sorties pour simulateurs par AGENIUM


  • Supply of Windows 7 ECUs equipped with digital, analog and synchronous I/O boards
  • Migration of I/O card drivers from Windows XP to Windows 7
  • Realization of a configurable unit test software for inputs/outputs
  • Deployment of this application on Mirage 2000 simulators
  • Trough-life support of renovated input/output computers
  • HMI development using the various elements of the original operator interface (displays, switches, switches, indicators)
  • Porting to Windows 7 Touch PanelPC
  • Communication with the ECU via Ethernet
Exemple d'interface MITRA de la solution Virtual Instrument Designer par Agenium Industries


Découvrez notre passerelle d'entrée/sortie multi-protocole raccordée par Ethernet à un PC de commande ou au PC d'analyse.
Testez les différentes configuration possibles en le personnalisant dans notre boutique.
Deux versions disponibles DIGIBUS ou MULTI-IO.
Digibus / Multi-IO
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